Cordiano Dagnoni

Facts more than words

After more than 40 years of activity in cycling, I have decided to run for the Federal Presidency to put my experience and skills gained from my entrepreneurial activities and my involvement in competitive cycling as an athlete, coach, and team manager to the service of our movement. For 12 years, I served as a Council Member, then as Vice President, and later as President of a Regional Committee, driven primarily by my passion for our sport and the desire to bring the grassroots needs to the forefront of the Federation. This marks the beginning of a new path of awareness and engagement for the entire cycling community: athletes, coaches, and team managers of sports organizations, as well as Provincial and Regional Committees.

For this reason, I have decided to involve in this ambitious project a team of qualified people with specific skills in the various sectors of responsibility, who can make a concrete contribution to the implementation of the program and to develop ideas which, in a summary will be presented below.‬

Our ambition will be to be able to structure the Federation like a large company, in order to be able to optimize the available resources and make the most of the figures operating in the sphere of the FCI, with the aim of creating efficiency by stimulating and involving the internal resources and collaborators.‬

autonomy is expected for the Regional and Provincial Committees, guaranteeing concrete contributions to support the grassroots activity. At the central level everything that is computerized and standardizable will be delegated, delegating to the Regional and Provincial Committees what can streamline the procedures.‬

Very often the top management of the FCI are disconnected from the problems of the basis. For this reason, the utmost attention will be paid to the reconstruction of a close relationship between the central FCI, the peripheral organizations and the companies, which can guarantee constant feedback with the realities of the territories.‬

Efficiency also means facilitating the life of the companies, which are the beating heart of our structure through a simplification activity, a de-bureaucratization in order to make procedures leaner and faster.

Cutting of bureaucracy, simplification and streamlining of administrative procedures.‬

The burdening of administrative procedures is one of the major complaints from the territory as well as the cause of the estrangement and consequent abandonment by numerous managers, especially at the provincial level. The objective will be achieved in two phases, the first short-term (six months) will include the revision of the Administration and Accounting Regulation in order to lighten the obligations, which are decidedly disproportionate to the extent of the contributions received and the volume of operations, above all for the Provincial.

The second, more far-reaching, will see the conclusion with the revision of the Statute of the FCI and Organic Regulation which will have to be approved by an Extraordinary Assembly in mid-term. The new Statute, which all components of the FCI will have to participate in drafting, will maintain the territorial structure, Regional and Provincial Committees, the real engine of our movement, but will provide for autonomy and consequently simplification and streamlining of administrative procedures, as is already the case in other Federations.

It also requires a review and updating of the methods of acquiring the right to vote in order to obtain a more equitable right to participate in determining the leadership of the Federation.

Simplification of technical rules:‭ ‬few rules, clear and communicated with adequate timing, so that the Committee and above all the companies can plan the activity and not waste energy and resources.‬

Enhancement commissions of the FCI: the Councilor of the FCI must be the venue for “sports policy” decisions, administrative management, activity planning, reporting of results. The “technical choices” will have to take place within the commissions that the Councilor of the FCI will nominate fiduciarily with criteria of competence, and which will have to be ratified by the Council.

The Commissions will implement their activities on the basis of the inputs that the Councilor of the FCI will have received from the base.

In this way the Commissions can be evaluated on the basis of the work done.

Being professional without being a pro: our Federation, like all associations, is mainly based on volunteering. The creation of new technical figures with the related training courses (ASA, Motorbike Marshalls, Police Accompaniment, ASTC) and above all the weighting of the training courses and the updating of the figures that have always existed , have created an increase in costs and commitment for companies and organizers, as well as a transformation of volunteers into “reimbursed” for some and the creation of a “second” if not “first job” for a few.

The Federation at the center: implementation of the role of the Federation, as a natural interlocutor with the territories for everything related to the world of cycling: sustainable mobility, cycling tourism, tourism promotion; exploitation of the particular historical moment that sees the bicycle as a new model of alternative ecological development, a real “lifestyle”.

The bicycle has become a driving force to which countless initiatives and new regulations are linked, first of all the physical incentive.

The Regional Committees

In order to ensure the best conditions for carrying out the increasingly demanding technical activities of the Committees, it is intended to make a concrete and substantial contribution with the redevelopment of the figure of the Regional Technician, providing, at the expense of the Federation, the assignment of a regional technician to guarantee continuous and professional support to the technical activity of the Committees.‬

The Federation as a Company‭. ‬

It will be necessary to provide for a different approach to procedures of the FCI, albeit within the limits of the regulations, with a more entrepreneurial and less “statist” slant. This will concern all areas of the FCI, from the center to the Regional and Provincial Committees. This logic also includes a new approach to the relationship with personnel who will have to be more motivated by also introducing rewarding criteria.

The advancing digitization will also help us in these aspects.
In the field of technological innovation, actions will be implemented aimed at making the various sectors of the FCI efficient and at providing various services to members, starting from the digital license check and the unification of all the cards that a single person may have.

Marketing‭ ‬should be implemented and optimized. Cycling is an excellent product capable of expressing important numbers that other sports are unable to demonstrate. The global rediscovery of our sport as a symbol of freedom and well-being during this pandemic should also be considered. These numbers must be put to use and made available to companies entering a market, that of sponsorships, which is increasingly complex and full of competition from other disciplines.

Blue Jersey and Partner‭ ‬

The Blue Jersey that embodies important values, deserves and must have greater value. A heritage of this type deserves the attention of top-level institutional and commercial partners.

Sponsors: a topic of fundamental importance in the world of cycling, which draws life from sponsorships and which must be tackled with greater strength and conviction.

Events: Creation of formats with greater impact, in order to raise the quality standard of the events organized which are always an important calling card for the movement both towards members and outside. Taking inspiration from other Federations, we will encourage organizations of high-level events that will have to become the assets of the Federation and from which resources can be found.

Communication strategy and repositioning of the FCI “Brand”

It is necessary to standardize and strengthen the value of the FCI Brand in communication and marketing campaigns in order to create a univocal and clear image also in all FCI Events such as the Italian Championships, the participation of the Blue Jersey in international events, the Giro d’Onore and all those institutional moments where it is necessary to give space and prominence to the FCI sponsors.‬

In order to develop a unique image, a standard formula must be created for the management and sale of spaces, in the above-mentioned events, for the FCI sponsors. It is therefore necessary to create a standardized organizational model to which all organizers must comply. FCI, for its part, undertakes to provide the necessary support and consultancy both from a programmatic and executive point of view, also having the aim of enhancing the territory in which the Event takes place.

Communication must necessarily implement the use of social networks.

Social Media, thanks to their intrinsic characteristics, are versatile and flexible tools,

FCI sponsors and partners. Social media management should not be underestimated, you need a well-defined communication plan that can be adapted to individual needs.

The ultimate goal remains that of creating a single, coordinated, credible and stronger image, both for our members, for partners and for the general public.

Communication: the site is the digital entrance door of the Federation. It needs to be reviewed in its image and in its functionality by facilitating external communication, therefore promotion, and internal.

We need a platform reserved for all members aimed at communicating directly with the FCI on the various topics that can be proposed to the Council of the FCI. All the proposals received will be examined and possibly included in the Agendas of the Councils of the FCI and discussed in order to broaden the pool of ideas and listen to the voice of the movement.


Street‭ ‬

In order to ensure the continuity of the athletes’ sporting career, it is advisable to provide a reward for companies that develop a supply chain in the youth sector, of at least 3 categories, avoiding the dispersion of talents who could show a slower athletic maturity.
Recognition that must also be reserved for U23 companies that activate this chain downwards.

Greater integration of the Italian cycling movement in the international arena.
Enhancement of the Continental teams.
Review of the “governance” of the professional world.

Greater integration of the various technical levels, with closer relationships between regional coaches and Regional Technical Commissioners with the involvement of the National Teams in away games in order to encourage their growth. ‬


The track has always been a real forge of medals, it will be essential to continue investing in the sector and in the facilities. There is no doubt that without the Montichiari Velodrome Elia Viviani’s Olympic gold would not have arrived.

Strengthening and enhancement of the regional Track Centers with suitable technical equipment and reactivation of the Inter-centre Circuit.

Review of the current structure with the introduction of a new figure who can act as an interface between all the track centers and the Commission to monitor the functioning of the Centers and satisfy requests for technical support and material necessary to carry out the activity.

Creation of an “Academy” with guesthouse, gym, medical and biomechanical center, i.e. a pole of specialization also for the fast sector which, to date in Italy, is very poor in synergy with BMX which has the Olympic training center in nearby Verona. The Municipality of Montichiari, when asked in this regard, he has already expressed a positive opinion in this sense, sharing the project with the commitment to raise the funds necessary for the development of the projects. Great Britain has 5 covered velodromes, Italy deserves more.

The exchange and synergy between the fast track specialties and the BMX sector must be encouraged, as is already the case in the rest of the world, also by providing for the involvement of the Military Corps.

The goal is the creation of a pilot model to be reproduced in different strategic areas of our peninsula. The “Academy” project must become the headquarters of the summer campuses of the FCI in tourist locations where to involve baby cyclists who can thus approach two wheels and breathe the magic of cycling.


The off-road sector represents 56% of members, and must be supported to continue to grow. For this reason it must be able to count on better visibility, starting from Mtb, with ad hoc agreements with television broadcasters in order to be able to give the deserved Media space, as can already be seen from the interest expressed by various broadcasters.

As far as the Mtb agonistic categories are concerned, possible changes to the criterion for assigning top class points will be evaluated in order to reduce the costs for clubs and families who are forced to travel long distances to participate in the races.

The formation of regional representatives who can try their hand at road races will be encouraged in order to increase interdisciplinarity and reduce the athletic dispersion of young people who practice this discipline.

In this sector, the involvement of technicians of the various specialties will be a priority, also with the introduction of the figure of a Coordinator. In addition to the disciplines of Cross Country, Marathon, Cyclocross and BMX, particular attention must be paid to and investments must also be made in emerging specialties such as DH, Trial, Freestyle, Enduro.

Youth activity

Youth cycling also deserves special attention given its strategic importance for the physical and moral development of young people. For this reason, collaboration with Sports Promotion Organizations (EPS), which constitute an important and structured pool, should be encouraged to develop the practice of cycling within the oratory activities and summer campuses.

In this regard, we guarantee our commitment to ensure that youth activity does not exceed the limits of healthy agonism which is preparatory to the growth of our nation’s youth heritage.

Women’s Sector

At national level, the women’s sector has been giving us satisfaction and medals for years.
However, greater support is needed for clubs in the most critical categories; the Juniores one is the one most penalized by the high costs deriving from the calendar which is very poor in road races and above all on the track. For this reason, incentives and/or contributions are needed for organizers and clubs.

Our goal is to equate the Italian movement to that of some foreign nations that count on a percentage of members equal to 35%.

This is a goal on which investments will be made and particular attention will be paid.

Paralympic sector

The Paralympic sector has always been the source of the largest number of medals at the Paralympics and World Championships. We need greater support and visibility for the lesser-known categories: Cycle, Tandem and Tricycle. To date, in fact, these categories, unlike the Handbike which has a very rich national and regional calendar, do not find space in any event except in international competitions.

For this reason, aid and contributions are needed for organizers and clubs in order to carry out promotion and encourage the participation of the many members that the Federation counts today.

Also for these categories, an information work is needed to be coordinated with the many media present in the area.

It will be important to provide a connection with the rehabilitation centers on the model already adopted by INAIL and with the structures and associations interested in assisting the disabled sector, also by making adequate mechanical means available.

Amateur sector

The Federation is the home of all cyclists; the amateur sector is a world to be safeguarded because it represents the core business of the “cycling” industry that revolves around these adults, who have a greater spending budget than athletes from other agonistic categories. This sector deserves attention and high-level services: IT, insurance and visibility thanks to the virtuous effect they are able to develop on the territory.

It will be necessary to plan a media investment to intercept the over 100,000 bike users who are not currently registered with initiatives and incentives that enhance membership of the Federation.

An important niche in continuous growth is made up of the activity of historic cycles, fixed gear, E-bikes and Gravel, capable of promoting slow cycling such as cycle tourism.

Investments will have to be made in these activities in order to favor an increase in members and clubs involved, before being anticipated by other entities and aggregations.

Safety‭ ‬

Unfortunately, an ever-present problem is security with parameters that must be continuously updated and implemented. Every day our members and all bicycle users are involved in serious accidents both in competition and in training.

Concrete initiatives are needed to definitively stem this phenomenon.

Road safety

As far as road safety is concerned, greater awareness of local Authorities and Administrations is needed to make people understand the importance of real cycle paths, not cycle and pedestrian paths. We also favor the promotion of off-roading in the youth categories for training to be carried out in the woods and away from traffic.

Without security there can be no activity and therefore also the future of agonism.

Europe pushes us, also through tenders and incentives, towards sustainable mobility, for this reason we will have to support the green movement and promote the dissemination of tenders on mobility as much as possible, making clubs aware of their existence, and supporting them in the bureaucratic procedures to access the various national and European tenders.

The first change, however, is cultural and must start right from our movement. We need an adequate structure that deals specifically with these issues (sustainable mobility, safety, plant engineering).

Better protection also passes through the improvement of existing insurance coverage.

Race safety

For this reason, the Regional Commissions and the National Commission of Race Directors must be set up with representatives of the Motorbike Marshals, Police Accompaniment and ASA, with annual meetings for the exchange of experiences and evaluation of events and cases, as for the race officers, to make the designations according to the criteria that guarantee the appropriate competence for each type of race.

The professionalism of the Race Director must be guaranteed with the establishment of a register and national and regional commissions which will carry out the assignments (as for the race officers) of these professional figures to guarantee the safety of the athletes, based on the level and categories of the races. This will ensure greater protection for the Club Presidents and greater qualification and safety in the competitions.

Competition Officers

The role of the Competition Officer plays an important function in the control and regularity of competitions.

The National Commission has carried out a significant qualitative and quantitative work, which may require further commitment to adapt the category to the continuous evolution of rules and regulations relating above all to the safety of competitions.

A critical issue that will have to be remedied as soon as possible is represented by the situation relating to clothing, insufficient and not adequate for the importance of the role.

Plant engineering

There is no doubt that the future of cycling passes through the creation of protected structures and routes that allow youth activities to be carried out in total safety.

It will be a priority commitment to promote with Local Administrations, companies and individuals for the stipulation of agreements and conventions that provide for the possibility of using existing routes that can be easily adapted to our needs such as commercial areas, industrial and private areas.

The Federation, through the Facilities Commission, will have to guarantee with its specialized technicians the necessary assistance to the local administrations and Sports Clubs that want to invest in the facilities linked to cycling.

Studies Sector

Training is a strategic topic that will have to adapt the training proposals. The various levels of training must include a fundamental level and higher levels of specific training (road, track, off-road). The Sector will have to implement the needs of the base in order to develop effective solutions aimed at the growth of the movement. Specifically, it will be the clubs and sporting directors who will highlight needs and requirements to provide the sector with elements to adapt the contents and methods of training to real needs.

A credit system will be introduced that takes into account the activity actually carried out by the technicians and that avoids, at least partially, the mandatory refresher courses (and costs) envisaged with an alternative training activity (participation in conferences, courses and activities carried out).

The methods of organizing courses at the regional level will have to be reviewed, restoring the management skills and enhancement of their technicians to the Committees while maintaining resource management.

Justice Organizations

It is necessary to devote a reflection to an always delicate topic such as the organs of justice.
Maximum transparency will be guaranteed in all the activities of the Justice of the FCI, as well as the independence of the various organitazions.


Finally, a great dream of mine: to bring the 6 Days back to Milan and transform it into a prestigious event on the international calendar. An event able to involve, with a series of side initiatives, the city of fashion to be able to reach not only the world of cycling.

We are going through a very particular moment for our movement linked to the Pandemic. As an entrepreneur I have always believed that in difficult times we shouldn’t stop investing in our company in order not to lose competitiveness and be able to keep up with the times. I want to do the same for the FCI.

The primary objective is to unite the movement, which fell apart during this electoral campaign, to work together for the common purpose which is the good of cycling.

In confirming the passion as the “lead thread” of my activity in the world of cycling and the sense of the “slogan” of my candidacy, undoubtedly proven by the facts so far, I reiterate the maximum commitment on my part and my team to ensure that the Federation and Italian Cycling can have the importance they deserve at national and international level.